About Me

I’m an experienced journalist covering the intersection of science, history, and culture. My stories offer historical context to current events, explain the meaning of scientific advancements, and leave readers with a sense of wonder and awe about the world. 

My stories appear in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, National Geographic, Scientific American, Smithsonian, Slate, Atlas Obscura, Sierra, Hakai Magazine, and other outlets. 

Currently, I’m the science editor at the Webby Award-winning site Mental Floss, where I direct coverage of science news and features on topics ranging from archaeology to animals to space. I also created and hosted the podcast The Quest for the North Pole, a production of iHeart Radio and Mental Floss.

Previously, I held full-time positions at Scientific American, The Wall Street Journal, and National Geographic. 

My first book, The Forbidden Apple: A Century of Sex and Sin in New York City (Ig Publishing, 2009) was a New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice.

I earned my M.A. in journalism from the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism, with a concentration in health and science reporting, and my B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College.

I split my time between New York City and Washington, D.C. When I’m not on assignment, you’ll find me birdwatching, hiking, baking pies, or trying to convince my partner to go camping.